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Basically 就是不要再只用 basically 了,常用商用副詞

作家相片: Peter TuPeter Tu


然後剛好有一個同事開會的時候很喜歡講 Basically,可能半個小時的會議裡頭只會聽到他用這個副詞。



以下列出一些選擇,讓你用英文溝通時 Basically 不會只再用 Basically。


  1. Essentially (本質上):這個字強調某件事的本質,適合用在結尾。例如,“Essentially, our profits have doubled since last quarter.”

  2. Fundamentally (根本上):強調某件事的基礎或核心概念,適合用來做強而有力的反方論點。例如 “Fundamentally, our company values idea over hierarchy.”

  3. Primarily (主要的):表示某件事是主要的或是重要的策略,強調自己的決定方向。例如,“Primarily, our focus this quarter will be on customer acquisition.”

  4. Inherently (內在的):指某件事的本質或固有的一部分,提出事實,態度上比較中立。例如,“This process is inherently risky.”


  1. Technically (技術上來說):強調具體細節,常用於澄清某件事。也可以用於糾正的場合,像是嚴格說來這種用法。例如,“Technically, we met our targets, but only by including the last-minute sales.”

  2. Specifically (具體來說):聚焦於特定細節或具體事物,作為定錨。例如,“Specifically, I'm referring to the sales data from last week.”

  3. Literally (字面上來說):這個字有點像是「幾乎是」,帶有一點浮誇的意味。也因為帶有點浮誇的意思,在會議中,最好準確使用它以避免混淆。“我們字面上已經沒有更多的預算來完成這個專案。”We literally have no more budget left for this project.” (我們幾乎沒有預算了,聽起來就是有點過度放大)


  1. Unlikely (不太可能的):這個單字表示不太可能的情況,適合用在別人提出一個假設時用。像是 “It’s unlikely that the project will derail from the original timeline.”

  2. Roughly (粗略來說):這個的單字的機率比上面那個高一些,但是也沒到很有把握。實際上的應用可以是 "Roughly 60% of our clients prefer the new interface."

  3. Largely (大致上):這個字蠻常用在大至上同意對方說什麼,或是因果相關性高。像是說 "Our success has been largely due to our new marketing strategy."

  4. Apparently (顯而易見的):應用在非常確定的場景 80% 篤定這件事但是沒有實際印證過。範例 "Apparently, there's been a mix-up with the supplier."

  5. Substantially / Significantly (大幅度的):用於表達程度的單字,屬於非常顯著的情況下使用,用來說嘴成績時最好用了。 "Our costs have been reduced substantially thanks to the new strategy."


  1. Ultimately (最終的):有點像是「到頭來」的用法,用來下結論。像是 "Ultimately, our decision will be based on the feedback from our users."

  2. Generally / Usually (通常來說):通用場景的時候用,適合用作起手式來開啟對話。 "Generally, our team performs well under pressure."

  3. Previously (之前):提供前情提要,介紹更多背景的時候用。如果看到有人往錯誤的方向討論,可以用這個字提醒背景找回對話方向和節奏。 "As previously discussed, we'll be adopting a new approach this month."


  1. Directly (直接影響):解釋某件事情的直接影響,是非常強烈的字眼,適合用在確定成效和付出有直接相關性的情況下。"The decrease in sales directly relates to the supply chain issues we faced."

  2. Consequently (因為…所造成的後果):用來解釋因果關係,非常適合用來善意提醒主管錯誤的決定可能導致的後果 ****"If we choose to postpone the shipment. Consequently, our production will delay by weeks."

  3. Naturally (自然的):說明某件事情發生,然後後續自然的發生了什麼事情。例如 “The delay of the production will naturally lead to customer complaints.”


  1. Equally (相同的):用來提醒說做了某件事情之後會造成的影響,通常用在解釋某件事情變多,另外一邊的資源配置會變少。”If we were to increase the investment in project A, equally, there will be tradeoff in project B."

  2. Notably (特別是):用來強調某個論點或是案例,凸顯某個脫穎而出的情況。"Several teams performed well last quarter, notably the design team which exceeded all expectations."

  3. Predominantly / Primarily (主要的):形容某個情形佔了大部分,適合用來說明收入或某個 KPI 的主要歸因。"Our revenue is predominantly from the X sector."

  4. Genuinely (真心的):適合用在以下對上或是即將要講實話的時候,希望自己的實話不要冒犯到別人時會用這個單字,在分享自己擔心的點又希望自己不失禮時用。"I'm genuinely concerned about the team's wellbeing during this crunch period."

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